Monday, February 25, 2008


I promise I have a really good post in the works. I'm just waiting on a couple of things to finalize before I can put it up. (no, there is no contest, it's not that good a post!)

So, how was your weekend? Any highlights to make me jealous?

Here's the good and bad of my weekend:
Good: Getting myself up Saturday morning for an 8AM Pilates class. I was the only one there, so it was like a private session, only without the $$$.

Bad: Deciding against stopping at Dunkin Donuts on the way home.

Good: DH and I making love on Saturday. Can I just say those wedges I got DH for Christmas - money well spent.

Bad: That it was something we had to do, timing-wise, and wasn't spontaneous.

Good: Not having much that had to be done this weekend, and being able to relax.

Bad: Feeling bloated and meh from starting this months round of progesterone, thus not being fully able to enjoy the weekend.


  1. Dude, when I was having sex over the weekend I was thinking to myself, I need one of those "wedges." True story. Maybe that was TMI, but I seriously was thinking that!!!!

  2. Holy crap! That wedge thing is awesome.
