Monday, July 7, 2008

Wipe(d) Out!

We spent the long weekend with DH's parents and brother down on the Outer Banks. We also spent time with DH's aunt & uncle, cousins and their families. (2 cousins = 4 kids)

The weekend was good, if less than 100% relaxing.

DH's brother seems to be experiencing an upswing in his well being, so he is currently acting like a normal person instead of a sleep-deprived hermit. (It's a long story, but he's got some sort of Mono triggered auto-immune thing going on that really screws with his energy levels, plus narcolepsy, so he's fighting against some pretty tough obstacles to normal activity).

We sunned and played in the sand and surf with the kids, and watched fireworks Friday night.

We sunned and played in the sound on Saturday, and I got to hold one of the adorable 4-month old twins for the second day in a row. That evening we played spades...and I won! (I am not a card shark, but was able to get all my tricks and not over or underbid. Except for once when I got more tricks than I bid, so that didn't count against me.)

We drove home Sunday - and got caught in the "normal" backup where 4 lanes merge into 2, and an entrance ramp hits the interstate. I'd like to kick the person who designed that set up - even when traffic isn't heavy, it backs up. So that pretty much ruined any relaxation vibe we still had going for us as DH cursed himself and the traffic. Himself for not taking the back road and avoiding the delay and the traffic for snarling.

On the upside, we stopped at a WaWa and I tried out one of their new milkshakes (the ice cream comes in a cup you put into a machine, then specify how thick you want it, and it mixes it to perfection) in Mint Chip, and wow, it was pretty good. So that helped to brighten my part of the return trip. I think it went straight to my belly though, so that's not so good.

(Oh yeah, I supposedly ovulated over the weekend, so we had the medically approved relations.
Cross your fingers, toes, and pray to whatever God(s) you believe in because if this time doesn't work, we're moving to the next step which involves needles. I really don't like needles. I'll take any help I can get to avoid them! We should also be getting the results back on DH's semen analysis this week - with the low numbers of the first being possibly related to a cold he was fighting, I wanted to make sure we weren't going on an invalid assumption before moving forward - if we need to. I really hope we don't need to.)

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