Wednesday, January 16, 2008

In which I prove I am old and crotchety...

I'll come out and admit it: I LOATHE American Idol.

I dislike the singing, the personalities, everything about it.

But what I hate most of all: that you can't avoid it because EVERY freaking news program from local to national feels the need to do a morning recap. I don't give a flying flatootie about the show, and I can still tell you what went on because of all the ambient coverage. Coverage that takes time away from real stories/weather/sports/traffic, stuff news shows should be covering.

It's almost enough to make me stop watching any network tv and just leave the channel on one of the movie channels.

Speaking of's another thing that bugs me: we have digital cable. Have to to get the extended channel line up, and multiple HBO / Starz channel packages. The cable company recently "improved" their OnDemand menus (where you can select movies or tv programs to watch - it's like having your own private HBO channel so you could start/stop movies at any time). Except that "improved" isn't the word. Before the change, when you went to the menu channel, you would get a choice of options: OnDemand (pay), HBO, Starz, Cinemax, etc. and then could select which brand you wanted to look through; once you went through the one line-up you could switch back to the main menu and go to the next brand with only the push of a couple buttons on the remote. Now, you have to go to a separate menu channel for each brand. Sure it takes you directly to that menu, but you spend more time flipping from one channel to the other to look at all your options. Maybe this is petty, but I thought the system was pretty good before and didn't need fixing. Now it seems broken, like technology has gone backwards.

So that's it. Down withAmerican Idol and desk jockeys who make improvements to things that weren't broken.

So my hopes for this last round of Clomid were dashed this weekend. Today I start the next round. Maybe we'll get lucky before that doctor's appointment in May...stranger things have happened, right?


  1. I feel the same way about High School Musical. I think it's bad that I'm 36 years old, don't even watch it and yet I know the names of all the kids on it. Now that's what you call saturation.

  2. What about last year when that girl from Catholic law school in DC was all scandalous? It took over the radio and news stations, I was so sick of hearing about her everyday!

  3. You loathe AI?? I don't think we can be friends anymore.

    Truth be told, I'm not as into it this year as I have been the past two. There is still time though...
