Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Good (Accidental) Planning...

Warning to guy readers - girly stuff mention below.

The next step in the "get back my cycle war" has been to take one pack of the pill and hope that the shock to my body from going off them will kick start it into doing something. I just realized last night that I will take the last pill the Sunday after the 4th of July. We are spending the 4-8th at the beach with my in-laws, etc. It would have been really horrible if I had taken the first pill a week earlier - because it would have meant the possibility of resuming my cycle, complete with horrible, nasty PMS and cramps while down at the beach. And that's no fun!

So phew. Very glad I missed that (of course, cramps at work mean you get to go home, right?).

On the same topic: Since I'd never been on the pill before, I didn't know that one of the lovely side effects while your body is getting used to the different hormone levels is low-level nausea. (I never had any issues with the hormones in the Depo-Provera) When I called the OB/GYN's office, the nurse who called me back asked me if I'd ever been pregnant (don't get me started on my frustration on having to explain what's going on every time - just read my chart, dammit, I know you are supposed to pull it before you call me back), and then said that the nausea is just about the same and should go away.

Great, at least now I know what to look forward to if my body will ever start to cooperate. But on the upside, my DH was very good about taking care of me and not pushing me to get things done because he knew I wasn't feeling good. It will be interesting to see how he reacts when I start back my cycles. Poor guy probably doesn't remember what I'm like during that time of the month as I've been on Depo for most of the time we've been together.


  1. Nitrous Oxide, otherwise known as "Laughing Gas" is usually reserved for nervous kids at the dentist. They put a nose-mask on you and as soon as you start breathing it, you can feel it go to your brain and you feel like you're floating. It is not meant to replace the shots of Novocaine. It is simply to relax you if you are a nervous person. Kind of like Valium. My dentist prescribes the Valium instead of the gas. Coming down off the gas can give you a headache which isn't pleasant when your mouth hurts, too.

    Uh, unless you were kidding when you made that comment on Amalah, in which case I take it all back. And oops. I don't mean to be a know-it-all.

  2. I hope that your body starts to cooperate.

    Thanks for your interest in our vacation. We did eat at Mako Mike's as you suggested earlier. I plan to blog about that soon.

    Take care.

  3. I never experienced any problems while taking the pill. I'm sorry you are. Good luck with the cycle war!
