Friday, June 29, 2007

Decorating Dilemma - Resolved?

Quick poll: How many of you women out there have husbands or boyfriends who want to participate in decorating decisions? By this I mean, have an opinion, want to be actively involved and will tell you if they don't like something. Also, let me know if you find this endearing and sweet or frustrating as all hell.

You ask why I bring this up? Because my husband has definite opinions but doesn't usually want be involved in the grunt work of going through 1,000's of fabrics and so it turns into a vicious cycle of my going to the store, bringing home samples which he rejects across the board, rinse and repeat. Just one project like recovering the sofa takes months (which still isn't recovered). And he wonders why I don't do more decorating. Frankly I don't have the stamina!

I say usually because last Saturday he and I went to a locally-owned furniture/decorating store to pick out fabric for our bedroom curtains (black-out, natch) and a new duvet cover and shams for our bed. It took us less than 2 hours to find coordinating fabrics we both like. The store people are coming out this Saturday to measure the windows, and then it will probably be another month before we get the finished products, but I am very happy that we are moving in the right direction, together! Keep your fingers crossed that he doesn't gag at the price.

As for the couch, and the basement, and ... well, I'm not going to press my luck on those for now.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha..Love your blog. Found you through Amalah.

    Be back. :)
