Saturday, February 25, 2012

Misc. Things

In the area news recently, two sets of early-twenties parents of <1 year old twins have been arrested for child abuse in the severe injury or death of one of those children.

That just really sucks on so many levels.
LO peed on the potty before her bath tonight. I know she's not ready for potty training (I'm not ready to deal with it either) so it was nothing more than good timing on my part to put her on the potty seat while we were waiting for the water to get warm and the tub to fill. Regardless of the timing, I praised her up and down.
DH is sick. Again. Actually all three of us have runny noses but he's been hit the worst with symptoms neither LO or I had. It's so much fun up in this joint.
Also fun? We had snow on Sunday, with enough to make a good sized snowman on Monday. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday? The temps were in the upper 70's. Going from winter jackets to short sleeves with a side of sunburn in 4 days is a bit of a weather whiplash.
Going back to DH, he had a visit with a doctor in the past week who was pretty blunt in telling him that the combo of commute, work stress/hours, and trying to participate in family life was going to kill him. Just one more reason we need to move sooner rather than later.
LO is talking more and tantrumming more and really pushing her limits more. On the bad days, my countdown to her bedtime starts before she goes down for her nap.
There are certain things I know will trigger a tantrum. One example: I found some educational and entertaining YouTube videos ( which she loves, but a bit too much, so not letting her watch those on demand is a known trigger. But what confuses the heck out of me is when she starts howling when she asks for something and I give it to her. Apparently I'm supposed to be able to read her mind and know she's actually asking for something else?
That mind reading thing? Doesn't work for my husband and doesn't work for her!
Anyway, that's where we are. Trying to get well, deal with tantrums and, yes, still that underlying stress of contemplating a move.


  1. I am so sorry for LO's tantrums. Our little boy was a relatively well-behaved two year old (I was expecting much worse) but in the last month or so, 3 has been a real nightmare. He's not allowed to go shopping with us anymore (which means more outings by myself). . .

    I hope this doesn't happen to you. But hey, congrats on getting her on the potty! It's a start, even if it doesn't sink in right away.

    Hope everyone starts feeling better really soon. ♥

  2. Oh, dear, the tantrums, we know them well... I especially love the thrashing on the ground, after carefully sitting oneself down. It makes me both smile and bang my head against the wall.
    Hope the crud is gone soon.
    We currently use the potty as a booster to reach the sink when brushing the teeth. I have no illusion we're going to need it for anything else in the near future. Especially since George thinks the little protective lid to help boys keep the flow IN the potty is the perfect thing to chew on when sitting on the potty. :-)

  3. OH my gosh, the TANTRUMS!!! Believe me, sister, we're neck-deep in them over here too.
