Monday, March 28, 2011

My 8 (And A Half) Month Old...

FYI: I've been pre-writing as things happen, and changing post date/time and then they don't seem to show up in my reader, so I'm guessing since I haven't gotten any comments you haven't seen it either, and I apparently still don't get Blogger. Any hoo - the original 8 month post is here.

Updates since then:
-Now a grand total of 2 teeth.
-Sleeping happily in a Halo Sleep Sack but also still does not object to swaddling.
-Starting to pull up-ish.
-Toe-climbing up the torso of whomever is holding her.
-The bed-time bottle has jumped from an offering of 6 ounces to 8. Doesn't mean she'll drink it all but when she does it's much more likely that she'll sleep through til morning.
-Does not agree with me that she needs to take longer than 30-40 minute naps. Doesn't matter if it's in the pack and play or the crib, it's a rare nap that lasts longer. And usually only on a day when it would be helpful for her to be satisfied with a shorter nap.

1 comment:

  1. :) I see the posts now! I can't belive how big shes getting!!!
