Monday, December 21, 2009

Shaking Hands

The nurse at my RE's office called ten minutes ago with today's Beta number (that's quite a difference from Friday's number taking until after 3pm to arrive)...

901 (1st-153, 2nd-277)

Now they are talking about scheduling an ultrasound at 7 weeks (help me out here - if I triggered on November 30th, that puts me around the start of 6 weeks today, right?).

Holy shit. I had begun to believe that we would never get this far.

UPDATE: The RE wants me to come in the week of Jan. 4th for the ultrasound, so that means Lara(NoodleGirl) was right on the nose, and I'm a week behind Carolyne.


  1. WOWZERS!!! That's a healthy beta number right there, that is! Oh sweetie, I'm all bursty with happiness for you, you've come so far!

    Congratulations congratulations congratulations, this will be the best Christmas ever, won't it?

  2. That is a great beta! Congratulations! This will be a wonderful Christmas for you!

  3. Congrats, awesome beta doubling times!!

    If you triggered on 11/30, that means your ovulation was 12/2. Usually they'll use LMP (I think 11/1?) as the start of gestational age, but since you had an artificially long cycle due to stims, I think they'd just count 2 weeks back from ovulation, so 11/16. So then (whew!) 7 weeks would be January 6th. Seems like a long time to wait! ;)

    I like clinics that do 7-week rather than 6-week ultrasounds. At 6-weeks you're on the cusp of so many critical things, like heartbeat, that it's more stressful than comforting. At 7 weeks you should have a much better chance of seeing the h/b.

  4. Wonderful numbers.. it's going to be a great xmas for you!
    I can't help much on the dates but I'm bang on 6 weeks today and I ov'd 23rd Nov.. does that make sense?

  5. Whoa, that's TERRIFIC news! What a wonderful early Christmas present. Can't wait to hear about the ultrasound.

  6. how fantastic!!! That's amazing!!! I'm so happy for you!

  7. I don't know what any of this beta, doubling, RE, etc. really means but I understand ultrasound and six/seven weeks and I'm so excited and happy for you! I've been waiting to read this here for so long. Yay!

  8. I have to take 2 seconds to say congrats!!! And now I'm outta here! This is sooooooo awesome!

  9. Yay! I am so thrilled for this continuing good news! Jan. 4 will be here before you know it.
