Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Gary Larson had it right.

For those not familiar with Gary Larson, he drew a series of nationally syndicated single square cartoons with anthropomorphized animals, and people, stuck in every day situations with a very wry look at the world. Ducks and cows were featured on a regular basis, most glasses on women were cat eye shaped, and it was rare to see anyone having a "good hair day."

One his cartoons that has stuck in my brain since first seeing it shows a boy in a class room with his arm raised. He is asking the teacher if he can be excused, as his brain is full.

It's only at that point (and maybe I'm slow) that one realizes that the boy's head is 1/2 the size of the other student's in the classroom. And that instead of being tired of learning, his brain simply has no more room for further education.

My brain feels like that right now from a combination of weather patterns, stress and decision making regarding our fertility options, and stress and decision making related to our plans for basement completion.

The other, more disturbing description is below. You may not want to eat or take a sip before reading this, I'll wait...

My head feels like a zit on the verge of explosion.

(Picture the forehead zit in Osmosis Jones. My head feels like that.)

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