Thursday, February 14, 2008

101! (and Happy Valentines Day, too!)

Ok, so I completely spaced that the Goal! post was #100.

And I had great plans of doing a 101 things about me for this post. Oh well. You know how hard those things are to complete. One of these days when I'm sitting around with time on my hands.

You'll just have to settle for this meme Jen over at Maybe If you Just Relax was ever so kind to tag me with.

Here are the rules:

1) Link to the person who tagged you.

2) Post the rules.

3) Share six non-important things / habits / quirks about yourself.

4) Tag at least three people.

5) Make sure the people you tagged KNOW you tagged them by commenting what you did.

So here goes:
  1. Appropriate for today, my maiden name is Valentine. Surprisingly I got very little teasing about it growing up. Also, in a strange coincidence, when I was born, the only other baby (What can I say? I was born in a slow year!) in the nursery had the last name Christmas.
  2. I love the smell of yellow cake baking, but will rarely eat more than one or two small pieces. It smells better baking than it tastes to me. Luckily, DH loves yellow cake with brown (milk chocolate) icing, so it never goes to waste. (or my waist!)
  3. I feel naked without my toenails polished. If I notice they are starting to get chipped, I'll take time in the morning to take care of it, even if it means less time to read the paper/eat breakfast/etc. In a related note, polishing my fingernails makes my fingers feel smothered.
  4. I can watch medical TV shows like Trauma: Life in the ER and Paramedics during dinner and not get squeamish. But if I injure myself, or I have to help DH with a bandage, I start to get woozy very fast.
  5. I have natural highlights in my hair. The only time I've paid a hair dresser to give me highlights was in college, and only because I had bleached my hair too light and wanted the grow out to look less 2-tone. Strangely enough, that appt. was on Valentines Day.
  6. My two favorite candies are Peanut M & M's and W*l-M*rt brand gummy bears. I will eat only one for a while (months, even), then switch to the other. Rinse and repeat. And never at the same time!
And to do my part in spreading the love:
Lindsey at The Good Kind of Dorky
Alyndabear at
Katie at Le Petit Chic

I'm looking forward to what you all have to say!


  1. Okay, I'm so jealous of your middle name! It's beautiful! And thanks for the tag...I will totally do this in the next few days :)

  2. Hi, I like medical shows, but not during dinner, and I tend to get woozy too.

  3. Yay you tagged me! I'll have to get to this one soon. I love peanut m&ms...mmmm. I am jealous of your natural highlights!
