Friday, September 21, 2007

I can take a hint...

It's ok, I get it. My deep thoughts posts aren't really that deep. And they are boring to everyone except me. I'm not looking for everyone to jump in here and deny it, I'm just acknowledging the trend that I don't get any comments when I write a long post about something that I've been thinking about. I don't find deep thinking that interesting myself, but writing it out helps me to figure out what I really think about a topic vs. a knee jerk reaction.


Back to the light stuff:
We are going up to Wintergreen this weekend for DH to do some training related to Ski Patrol. I expect the condo is full of dust and spiderwebs (which we will only find by walking through them) and perhaps a few dead bugs, courtesy of the spiders. But I'm not going to focus on that too much (maybe 45 minutes of cleaning should take care of any issues). I'm going to focus on enjoying the cooler weather up there by taking a walk with our dog. This is a big deal because we never take her for walks. The last time we took her for a walk (when we were on vacation), she had to lay down and rest for five minutes about 2/3 of the way through. I'm going to blame it on the heat and not being out of shape. ha!

I've got to come up with an all-inclusive packing list for us and the dog...clothes, supplies, food, etc. It's no fun to be out of x, y, or z and have to do without. I'm thinking about trying out "prep dinner in advance and then freeze for later" places (we have 3 or 4 in the area) for dinners this winter, but this weekend is a different story.

Wish me luck (with the list and the bugs!).


  1. I am thinking of doing one of those freeze for later places too. It seems like I never cook anything anymore and we spend entirely too much money on eating out and "quick" frozen foods. Too bad you don't live closer--we could go together!

    Have fun this weekend!

  2. Your deep thoughts are deep! I just hadn't had the chance to read your blog!!!

    Have a great weekend! I'm going to Carter Mountain to go apple picking tomorrow!

  3. Try that site makes a customized packing list for you and your dog. Pretty handy...
