Monday, April 9, 2007


I am so glad Easter weekend is over. Driving there, driving someplace else to get away from there, back to there, and then finally home. Too much food and in-laws family. Not getting indigestion is not an option.

Every year my DH is given a chocolate bunny as part of his Easter basket. For the past few years, I have thrown it out in October. Unmolested, with ears and tail as perfect as they came out of the mold in the factory. He's not going to eat it, I'm not going to eat it, but he'd be upset without one. These little traditions can be so important.

We woke up Saturday to SNOW. Enough to make the world white (except for the driveway and road) and make you want to stay inside with a cup of cocoa and just watch it swirl. By mid-day it was mostly gone with only the pictures I took to remind us that it had, indeed, been white instead of green just those few hours ago. I was just as glad to see it melt as I was to see it when I woke up.

If nothing else, my reaction is enough for me to know that I am truly ready for spring to stick around and move into summer. That and I'm sick of my winter clothes and shoes and am ready to expose my arms, legs and feet to the environment again.

5 full days and counting to sun, sand, and free alcohol!

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