Friday, August 14, 2009

It's Positively A Weekend

If it wasn't enough to be on vacation last week and both weekends - this weekend we are heading for podunk* Tennessee for one day of ski patrol related meetings for DH plus some sort of dinner we both will attend. That's one day of meetings for a total of 12-14 hours of driving & dinner, not the greatest, but doable.

The hotel where we will be staying is a resort/conference center - but the pool is still under construction. (What? Huh? Sacrilege!) At least there is the small consolation of an outlet mall somewhere nearby so I will have some way of occupying my day.

And failing any success at the outlet mall, I have one option for dinner...
Though strangely, I don't look as much like her as I do Marilyn Monroe in her white dress. (If you click through the picture link - I paid $10 less in store so even if I don't wear it this weekend, it can wait for a suitable occasion without my feeling guilty.)

Look for my rear to be seat shaped next week!

Hope you have a good weekend with less driving.

*podunk - adj. describing a location both isolated and minor

(Also, have joined Facebook under my real name, so will be keeping that area infertility free!)


  1. Oooh I like that dress but if you can shop for new one why not. Bummer about the pool but have a good time nontheless.

  2. I nominated you for a One Lovely Blog Award

  3. Have fun. That's a lot of driving. And I really like that dress. Happy shopping!
