Monday, January 7, 2008

Does Anyone Else?

When experiencing abdominal pain in the middle of the night (read 2AM) go immediately to appendicitis thoughts, and start worrying about the work projects left unfinished during your recovery? But also think the upside would be that they could check on your reproductive system while they were messing around in there? And then realize that it's just a bad case of gas and feel silly?

Oh, well, then, me neither.

In other news:
We should get word on the swimmers this Friday.


  1. I always tend to think that I'm dying of some ailment or another too. But I never think of work :)

  2. Yeah I generally jump to conclusions too! I hope you are feeling better.

  3. Sorry, not me. Disinclined as I am to get up in the middle of the night, I nevertheless assume the Rodan Position and deal with the situation.

    But I'm glad yours wasn't an appendicitis attack.

  4. My parents have a hilarious story of me as a child having a moment very similar to your 2am panic. It ended with them pulling off the highway, me entering the restroom and coming out with a smirk to announce "just gas". Mind you I was about 6, so it was OK to say that out loud to them, so don't laugh at me!
