Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Just wanted to share...

So two weeks (approx 14 days) after the two days of light bleeding, I had another two days of light bleeding this weekend. But no breast tenderness, or cramping or anything else.

Since I'm not really sure what's going on, I called my OB-GYN's office to check in. The triage nurse says to me, well it could be ovulation bleeding (based on the timing and no associated twinges). And DH and I had participated in the marital relations the night after all this happened. So, ovulation bleeding + unprotected sex = good possibilities.

But I'm trying not to get my hopes up because, well, there are no guarantees about what my body was doing. And as of this A.M. I am going to be tracking my basal temperature. At least doing that makes me feel like I have some participation on what my body is doing.

Like I said to DH last night when telling him about the phone call, it's not like I can go in and flip a switch to make my body work properly. I wish it was that easy. And at this point I don't really meet the requirements to go to the next step. At this point it really is a wait and see type situation.

It's both exciting and frustrating. But any progress is a step in the right direction, right?


  1. Definitely a step in the right direction. I can only imagine the frustration. Keep us updated!

  2. Definitely keep us posted. I have my fingers crossed for you.

  3. I like the whole temping thing, because it takes the mystery out of ir. I know when I ovulate because there are these symptoms. And knowing it's all working, even when you're not trying to get pregnant at the moment, is a good thing. I don't plan on going back on any hormones to avoid, and am hoping not to need anything to conceive (half the reason i went off the pill before we want to start ttc.)

    Sorry, that's mostly about my ovaries. I hope yours start doing what they're supposed to be, and soon!
